
  The Reserve can be a good place to see dragonflies and damselflies, especially from May to September. The following species have been recorded on the reserve: Four-Spotted Chasers Libellula quadrimaculata – usually seen from mid May to the end of August.   Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum – usually seen from mid June to the…


Climate The climate at Cuskinny is considered temperate, rarely very hot or very cold. While long-term detailed measurements of wind, rainfall etc. has never been carried out at the reserve BWI Cuskinny Marsh Nature Reserve is just 7.47 kilometres due north of Roches Point lighthouse, which is one of our national weather monitoring stations. The…

Aquatic Life

Freshwater and Lagoon Little study has been carried out on the freshwater flora and fauna on the reserve. Sticklebacks and small trout have been records in the Scouncel stream that runs through the northern end of the lake and enteres the lagoon in its north eastern corner. This stream has suffered numerous pollution incidents over…


Flies In 2010 Tom Gittings carried out a survery of the flies on the reserve and the results of his survey are presented below. Tom Gittings setting up a Malaise Trap on the reserve in 2010.   CUSKINNY NATURE RESERVE, MALAISE TRAPPING SURVEY 2010: HOVERFLIES (DIPTERA, SYRPHIDAE), SNAIL-KILLING FLIES (DIPTERA, SCIOMYZIDAE) AND LARGER BRACHYCERA (DIPTERA)…


Beetle The following report was prepared by Tom Gittings following visits on 29th June and 18th July 1993. He used five pitfall traps in the northwestern end of the reserve (Zone F – see Botanical Survey Zone image on the Flora page). GROUND BEETLES (CARABIDAE) CAUGHT IN PITFALL TRAPS AT CUSKINNY MARSH IWC RESERVE IN 1993 Identification…


Moths Cuskinny marsh is home to over 180 different species of moth and they reflect the diversity of habitats on the reserve. Download Cuskinny Marsh Nature Reserve Moth Species List In 2010 Sean Ronayne carried out a survey of the moths on the reserve. This survey aimed to trap in months which were not previously…


The following are butterfly species that have been recorded on the reserve. Large White Pieris brassicae – usually seen from April to beginning of October.   Small White Pieris rapae – usually seen from April to end of August.   Green-veined White Pieris napi – usually seen from April to beginning of October.   Orange-tip…