The following are butterfly species that have been recorded on the reserve.
Large White Pieris brassicae – usually seen from April to beginning of October.
Small White Pieris rapae – usually seen from April to end of August.
Green-veined White Pieris napi – usually seen from April to beginning of October.
Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines – usually seen from April to early June.
Wood White Leptidea juvernica/sinapis – usually seen from mid-April to end of July.
Clouded Yellow Colias croceus – usually seen from August to beginning of October.
Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae – usually seen from mid- March to mid-May/July to the end of September.
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta – usually seen from July until late October.
Peacock Aglais io – usually seen from mid-March to end of May/mid-July to mid-October.
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui – usually seen towards the end of May/August and early September.
Common Blue Polyommatus icarus – usually seen from May to September.
Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus – usually seen from mid-March until early June and again in August.
Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas – usually seen from mid-April to mid-September.
Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria – usually seen from April to the end of September.
Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina – usually seen from June to early September.
Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus – usually seen from mid-June to early September.
Wall Brown Lasiommata megera – usually seen from mid-April to mid-June/mid-July to mid-September.
Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus – usually seen in July and August.
Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia – usually seen in July and August.
For more information on the butterflies of Ireland check out Irish Butterflies.
If you have any records of butterflies at Cuskinny please send them to: